T-238 On-Line to APRSNet
So here it is. The box plugged in, on-line and
running. The case is sitting on top of one of Scott Ratchford's Citadel touchscreen computers.
You will not 2 RS232 cables plugged in. I wired on specially. Using just two wires to tap one
of the other connectors and let me monitor the packet activity using BuxTerm (K4ABT). Notice the
barrier terminal block next to the T238 case. The Cat5 cable comes down to the block and I
attached a Radio Shack 12 Inch Modular to Spade Line Cord (279-391) to connect to the RJ-11
on the T-238

Details of Mounting T-238 Into a Case
I finally had to compromise and mount the T-238
into a Radio Shack 270-1807 case which is cavernous (see other note). I
out the holes for mounting the T-238 PCB on 3/4 inch standoffs and found even with the large size of
the case I had to grind down two little plastic studs at the bottom of the case. I then
laid out and cut a
single rectangular hole along the side to allow the connectors to protrude.

The hole was cut via multiple
holes with the drill press then a hacksaw blade and a file. Not that the
RJ-11 stucks up a bit more than the rest and will need to be filed extra.
The mounting holes in the display
module were so tiny that I had no screws anywhere in my junkbox that were
small enough. Soooooooooooo ... out with the hot glue gun. I taped the
exposed header ends and the mounting plate as well and then temporarily hot
glued the display to the plate. The six other holes are for the four push
buttons, the LED, and a backlight on off switch.

Unit Mounted on Tower Near Ground for Sensor Calibration
I mounted the whole shooting match, boom with One-Wire station,
junction box with full length of cable attached, to do the sensor calibration. In this case its nothing more
than moving the vane clockwise several times and then pointing true north. The luck of the Irish was with me
as True North (compass reading adjusted for magnetic deviation) lined up with the selected boom position.
Note the use of a level!

A closeup of the mounts. This whole process is important
not just to avoid having to calibration up on the tower, but it gets you use
to what will have to be done up the tower. Better to find out about tricky
stuff on the ground not fifty feet in the air.
The bottom opening in the junction box will be closed with Duct Seal
electricians putty once the unit is up on the tower and the boom wire
connected in place, the the cover placed on the box.

Gray Carlon Electrical Box as Junction for Cable and Weather Station
I used a standard Gray Carlon Box with a single 1/2 inch
conduit opening as a junction box. I drilled a hole inside through one of the ribs to anchor a zip tie
as strain relief. I stripped off plenty of insulation so the there would be enough
lead length for mistakes
and changes. The Radio Shack RJ-11 female block was hot glued in place so no holes
needed to be made through to the
outside. Extra wire pairs were coiled up to one side.

Some Quick Shots Showing the Radio
Shack 270-1806 and 270-1807 Project Cases with Regards to Mounting the T-238
I had several Rat Shack project
cases around and the 270-1806 (6x4x2) seems perfect, that is,
until you try it! The board is about one half inch too big in
both dimensions. It hangs up on the mounting studs for the cover screws. See

I then tried the next size up the
270-1807 (7x5x3) and it is cavernous in comparison. See below.

The solution, in my rarely so
humble opinion is to pare down the PC Board to make it fit the 270-1806. Its
not much real estate to give up. Given the generous nature of the T238
design it shouldn't be difficult.

Some Quick Shots of Boom Assembly when Mounting to a Tower.
I bought a four foot length of 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch aluminum stock at Home Depot and used it in place of the 12 inch piece that comes with the kit.
The two halves of the shell don't mount very firmly to the boom even when the screw is tightened. So I used a hot glue gun to attach one half of the outer shell to the boom. Be
careful not to get any glue on the mating edges of the shell. I then assembled the rest as per instructions adding only some silicone sealant/adhesive to the mating side for the square boom. By doing it this way