1st recon battalion association

Doonesbury 11-Dec-02
lead photos for sale
1STRECON2.JPG - Landscape oriented montage, Teams RUDDER and CHICKIE PIE, Dave Fendrick, Harry Hayes, Doc Buehl, Bob Baird, J. Thompson, Pete Voelker, Brian Riley (by BB Riley and Adam D. Browne)
1STRECON3.JPG - Portrait oriented montage. Made from over 90 different photos arranged so that their light and dark areas form the Recon skull and crossbones. (by BB Riley and Adam D. Browne)
1STRECON4.JPG - Young male tiger killed by 1st Recon team in 1970 after it attacked a patrol. Picture available with or without the words and recon emblem. Please specify which. (Jerry Webb)
- photos are available printed on 8.5x11 high gloss photo paper. The proceeds from these sales goes to cover the approximately $300 annual out of pocket costs of maintaining this web site.
- price per print is $15 each post paid for the first print in each order and $10 each for additional prints in the same mailing. Make checks payable to Brian B. Riley, PO Box 188, Underhill Center, VT
- Contact the webmaster, Brian B. Riley, Lt USMC(ret)
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