wulfden is a home, a retreat, a place to live, play work, relax and think. Located on a western slope of mount mansfield in nw vermont, it is far enough away from it all and yet close enough to society's amenities if you want it. Literally it's only physical link to the world is the copper of the phone lines and our cell phones, satellite internet and amateur radio have removed that dependency The sun supplies the electric power, the woods supply the heat. Our single dependency is the propane storage tank which needs to be filled twice a year and supplies the energy for the refrigeration.
articles and links
- naissance ... wulfden is born
- renaissance ... wulfden is rebuilt
- the lion in winter ... wulfden weathers March 2001 Storms
- the view from wulfden looking out at the Champlain Valley looking both over and under the clouds
- visitor #