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  • This web page was last updated on Wed, 2014 Mar 26 @ 1501 hours
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PH Anderson LCD chips are Microchip PIC 16F648A and have no markings. So to ease the issue, I mark them using "White-Out" (ignore perfect round white dots they are reflections).

  • LCD117/2400 (new version) - two white marks on end opposite the notch
  • LCD118/2400 (old version) - one white mark on end opposite the notch
  • LCD117/9600 - no marks
  • LCD117/19200 - on white mark on the notch end

Assembled and Tested Units with serial cable
Item Description




K107 Board A&T (partial)

[AT1] Completely Assembled and Tested with serial cable, with the exception that no display connector is in place. The unit includes an assortment of display connectors for the user to solder and connect to his display of choice.

$20 + $4
$20 + $4
$20 + $4
K107 Board A&T (complete)

[AT2] Assembled and Tested with serial cable - user must specify which connector is needed for his display - 1x10, 1x14, 1x16, and/or 2x7 or 2x8 male (pins) or female (sockets), component side or solder side mounting (most 1x's will require sockets mounted on solder side of the k107).

$21 + $4
$21 + $4
$21 + $4
K107 Board A&T bundled with 2x40 LCD

[AT3] K107 serial LCD controller with serial cable and new 2x40 display. Assembled, tested and setup for the display. K107 will mount to the back of the display by a standard 2x7 .100 spaced pin header and socket

$27 + $4
$27 + $4
$27 + $4
K107 Board A&T bundled with 2x24 LCD

[AT4] K107 serial LCD controller with serial cable and used like-new condition 2x24 display. Assembled, tested and setup for the display.

$27 + $4
$27 + $4
$27 + $4
K107 Board A&T bundled with Miniature 2x16 LCD

[AT5] K107 serial LCD controller with serial cable and used like-new condition Hantronix miniature (2.1" by 0.8") 2x16 backlit display. This unit uses a 16 conductor Flat Flex cable and comes with the K107RA adapter. Assembled, tested and setup for the display. Comes with mounting screws and nuts

$29 + $4
$29 + $4
$29 + $4
K107 Board A&T bundled with 4x20 Backlit Yellow/Gray LCD

[AT6] K107 serial LCD controller with serial cable and brand new 4x20 Backlit Yellow/Gray LCD.

$34 + $4
$34 + $4
$34 + $4
K107 Board A&T bundled with Blue/White 2x16 LCD

[AT7] K107 serial LCD controller with serial cable and new backlit blue/white 2x16 display. Assembled and tested

$30 + $4
$30 + $4
$30 + $4
K107 Board A&T bundled with Red 2x16 LCD

[AT9] K107 serial LCD controller with serial cable and new backlit red 2x16 display. Assembled and tested

$30 + $4
$30 + $4
$30 + $4
K107 Board A&T bundled with 4x20 Backlit Blue/White LCD

[AT8] K107 serial LCD controller with serial cable and brand new 4x20 Backlit Blue/White LCD.

$38 + $4
$38 + $4
$38 + $4

All done ordering? Be sure to check out shipping surcharges

About PCBs and Kits K107 Main Kit/Display Bundles Assembled & Tested